Here's Why You Should Eat Better (Even When You Don't Want To!)

Here's Why You Should Eat Better (Even When You Don't Want To!)

One of life’s biggest annoyances is that not everyone can eat what they want without gaining an ounce. We are all taught from a young age that health is wealth and that we are what we eat, but if you are struggling to eat better right now, then the best thing that you can do is learn why it’s so important in the first place. It doesn't matter whether you are trying to get into better shape or you just want to eat better and live healthier as a result, eating better can really make a difference to your body and your mind. 

It doesn't matter what motivates you, you need to eat better and that’s even when you don't want to. Packing more nutrients into your diet and making sure that you are eating exciting foods at the same time really will help you to feel good on the inside. There are some good reasons to give your diet a tweak, so we’ve put together some of the best onesto help you to eat better. Let’s take a look below!

You will be far more productive. When you are efficiently fuelled, you are going to be a happier and more productive member of society. A balanced diet can encourage you to feel fueled and ready for the day no matter what, and it’ll really help you to feel better. There are even some options out there, like the Dermatographia diet that will mean you’re eating well for your skin. You should choose a way of eating that fulfills you and gives you more energy than you have ever had before. Your diet needs as many vitamins and nutrients as possible, too, and you’ll be more motivated to be productive.

  1. You will feel happier. Good food is happiness on a plate. You will feel happier because food has a good impact on our brains. You will literally feel those endorphins kicking in whether you are eating bananas that contain dopamine, or dark chocolate that can trigger serotonin. There are some foods that have antidepressant qualities, too, and if you are worried about your moods day to day, speaking to your doctor and getting help from a dietician is often the best course of action.

  2. You will reduce your stress. Whether you are packing your diet with good nutrients and vitamins or you are simply enjoying a hot, cooked meal per day, you will reduce your stress. Cooking is a great stressbuster in the first place, and a protein-rich diet is going to help you to replenish your stores and keep your cortisol levels right down. You should think about which foods make you feel good, and then incorporate them into your day to day menu. It’s also important to think about the fact that eating well is much less stressful on your body, too. 

  3. Keeping your weight under control. The simplest reason to make sure that your diet is well balanced is that your weight will be under control. Even if you’re not worrying about your weight right now, you will maintain it for longer if you are eating better. You can save yourself the sluggishness of adding more weight to your body, and you will feel good when you look in the mirror. Controlling your weight will help you to save money, too as you won’t be worrying about buying in too many takeout options and junk food, too. 

  4. You will eat less. Eating better often means volume eating, so lots of fresh leafy veggies and plenty of water based fruit. These can often help you to feel fuller for much longer, which means that you eat far less overall because you are filling your body and not just eating for the sake of eating. Fresh foods can also contain fewer calories, and low nutrient fillers that will ensure that you are burning through them quickly. When you are buying less food, you’re also keeping more cash in your pocket, which is what you want long term. When you’re eating fewer meals, you’re feeling fuller for longer and satiety really does matter. 

  5. It feels good. When you are making better choices, you will affect your confidence in a positive way. Eating well can boost your energy and make you feel good inside, and that reflects on the outside. It also feels good for your taste buds to eat things that taste good, and you will mentally be able to enjoy your food much more. It is so much more satisfying to feel good about what you’re eating. 

  6. It’ll taste good. Okay so no one wants to necessarily turn in their pancakes and beef burgers for leaves, but it doesn't have to be that way. There are so many things that you can eat that are packed with minerals and vitamins, and they will taste amazing if you know how to cook them right. You might even find that some things taste much better when you are eating the healthier versions. For example, you might love a Big Mac, but making your own version at home can be cooked in less oil, with less calories. Same big taste, much less fat!

  7. You will age better. Is there any real reason to pay for a facelift when your diet adjustments right now can have just as much of a positive impact? You will improve your skin, feel more hydrated and you’ll have stronger muscles and bones as a result. The omega-3 that you eat in some meat and fish will help to improve your skin cells and prevent aging prematurely, and that can all link back to feeling far more confident as a result. 

  8. You will be healthier. The best reason to eat better than ever is because you will be healthier. The better you eat, the more you can prevent any development of chronic diseases like diabetes and cancers. There are studies to show that vegetables like turnips and broccoli can help to lower the risks of developing cancers beyond menopause. Your body deserves to feel better and food can help you to do that. Food is like a fuel, and it’s going to help your brain and your organs to feel better and more comfortable as a result. Being healthy is important.

  9. You’ll add years. Extending years onto your life will help you to feel as if you are able to achieve something amazing within yourself. The fruit and veggies that you eat are going to work wonders for your health when you combine it with exercise and movement. A healthy diet will always help you to play an important role in how long you live, and it’ll give you the chance to feel better for longer, too. It all matters and your health will benefit, even when you really don't fancy eating soup once again.

  10. The savings. Takeout foods, high sugar cakes and buttery pastries are admittedly delicious, but they can cost you much more money than when you spend cash on fruits and veggies and lean meat. There’s something delicious about ordering in that pizza, but maybe spend the money on the ingredients to make your own - it’ll all make a big difference to your finances and your health long term.

Sometimes, you really don't want to eat better. Sometimes you want to sink into your burgers with no worries. However, consider your health first and then your tastebuds later. You should learn to eat better, so why not choose to go to cooking classes?

Cover Image by Pexels

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