FANTASTIC FUNGI GLOBAL SUMMIT : How To Heal Yourself (And The Planet) With Mushrooms.

FANTASTIC FUNGI GLOBAL SUMMIT : How To Heal Yourself (And The Planet) With Mushrooms.

Are you looking to boost your immune system? There is a mushroom for that! Increase brain and heart health? There are mushrooms for that! Do you want to ease anxiety and depression? Yes, there are mushrooms for that, too! There are also mushrooms that help reduce inflammation, balance blood sugar, help fight cancer and so much more.

Mushrooms, the oldest multicellular organism found on earth more than 2.4 billion years ago, have incredible healing powers for our mental and physical health ~ and if you don't like the taste, don't worry, there are several ways to benefit from these fantastic fungi without having to cook them for dinner.

If you'd like to learn more about the healing power of the mushroom kingdom and how they can boost your health PLUS the health of the planet, checkout the upcoming FREE Fantastic Fungi Global Summit.

On October 15-17, this online summit will reveal nature's mysteries, explore consciousness, the environment and the healing power of psychedelics. The upcoming Fantastic Fungi Global Summit was inspired by the 2019 documentary Fantastic Fungi, now streaming on Netflix, Amazon Prime and other platforms.

If you have not yet checked out this amazing masterpiece directed by Louie Schwartzberg, put it on your list! Not only is the cinematography visually stunning, but what you will learn will blow your mind.

The film explores the beauty, intelligence and solutions that the fungi kingdom offers in response to some of our most pressing medical, therapeutic, and environmental challenges.

The upcoming summit will go even deeper into the consciousness-shifting benefits of mushrooms, with over 40 leading experts including: Michael Pollan, Dr. Deepak Chopra, Dr. Andrew Weil, Paul Stamets, Nat Kelly, Eugenia Bone, Jack Kornfield, Rick Bayless, Tony Boss, Dr. Mark Hyman, Robin Carhart-Harris, Suzanne Simard, Merlin Sheldrake and so many more.

Topics to be explored at the summit include: What are researchers using for Mental Health studies/ solutions? What are Mycologists finding that can help our body? And what might new UFO’s hold for Humanity’s precious needed solutions for our Earth? With only 5% of fungi discovered, what “Unidentified Fungal Objects” could be the next solutions for our MINDS, BODIES, & EARTH.

Psychedelics & Mental Health topics will also be explored, including Microdosing, MAPS studies for Mental Health, Clinical Psychology and Therapeutic use, Mushrooms and Human Evolution, and more.

"Mushrooms are here to stay," says Adam Schomer, co-producer of the summit. "Be it for health benefits, a new protein replacement or the healing of mental illnesses. Mushrooms are the mysterious and underrepresented kingdom on this planet and they have a message for us. Even mainstream media are covering them and universities are studying them. So learn more about these fungi messages at our upcoming Summit this October 15-17th.”

Learn more and sign up for the FREE Fantastic Fungi Global Summit HERE.

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