Qigong When You’re Sick (Or Sad) In Bed!

Qigong When You’re Sick (Or Sad) In Bed!

By Courtney Alex Aldor

Let’s face it, being human means feeling a whole range of things, and sometimes we get sick and sad in bed. In this Qigong video I demonstrate how to find inspiration (while clearing the lungs!) if you happen to find yourself in the way that I do right now. And conveniently, this fits riiiiight in with the Chinese Medical theme of fall -which is associated with the lung system and also with the emotions of either sadness (on the yin-side) or inspiration (yang).

The beauty is that in the world of energy, there is no good or bad, only the experience itself which brings a greater capacity over time to find that sweet spot in the middle. And so, to shoot this video I had to...uh first remember this wisdom, then accept I was feeling sad, sick, and under the weather in order to find the inspiration to share this! I literally used this practice I demonstrate here.

To do it: Just breathe in. Expand your chest in all 4 directions (or even 6...top and bottom!) and feel expansion from the inside out. Imagine a glowing ball of light in the center of your chest expanding as you breathe. Then just let go. As you repeat it, you can imagine a color, texture or quality of energy at the edges of your subtle body that you’re reaching out to connect to. This is great for clearing the lungs, keeping circulation going while in bed and finding inspiration. Enjoy!

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