All tagged Sat Nam Fest

Sat Nam Fest Mexico!

By Hargobind Khalsa

As legend has it, the Guru Nanak sat under water for 3 days in deep meditation some 500 years ago. After finishing his meditation, he emerged from the water in divine realization and recited the Mul Mantra, which starts Ek Ong Kar Sat Nam.... There is one creation, True Name...

What's A Sat Nam Fest, And Why Do I Go?

By Gregg Jackson

What I most liked about it was the overall energy and feeling of the place and people. From the moment I drove up, until the moment I drove off, I felt like the place and event was being held in a space of love, joy, abundance and healing. And that’s what I felt throughout the event...   

5 Reasons To Head To Sat Nam Festival in 2017

By SF Yoga Mag

The Sat Nam Festival is created from a passion for beautiful music and Kundalini Yoga. It is a celebration of the joy and rejuvenation of Kundalini Yoga and the healing and uplifting powers of Kundalini music. It is a festival where friends become family and everyone supports each other on this journey we call life...

Sat Nam Fest 2016

By Liya Garber

Evening time was very special, as we all gathered at the main stage for a different concert each night. It felt as though we were all part of one big loving tribe. It was especially nice to see the kids running around smiling, laughing and activating all of us with their sweet presence...

6 Steps From Trauma To Dharma From Sat Nam Fest

By Colleen Crowley

Overall, Sat Nam Fest was a rich experience of divine music, delicious food, and all the Kundalini Yoga you could hope for.  It was one potent workshop after another packed into 5 days in the beautiful desert of Joshua Tree.  From Wha Kundalini Dance classes to holding space with Jai Dev Singh, there seemed to be a common theme for this year’s festival: how to heal trauma.