New Book : The Yoga of Parenting By Sarah Ezrin

New Book : The Yoga of Parenting By Sarah Ezrin

“I love living out loud and truth telling in hopes of normalizing all the things you may have once felt alone experiencing. You are not alone. We are in this together. Even if we only see each other online in comments and hearts, I am here for you. Let’s get real.” - Sarah Ezrin

Sarah Ezrin, one of our favorite Bay Area yoga teachers has written a beautiful book and we had the honor of asking her a few questions about The Yoga of Parenting!

What was the inspiration behind The Yoga of Parenting?

My own struggles with being a new mother and how alone and at sea I felt. I went to parenting books for guidance and resources and was only left feeling more anxious and alone and when I did find parenting books that spoke of mindfulness, all of them were from the Buddhist perspective. I wanted to create an inclusive parenting resource from the yogic lens.

Who is this book for?

Honestly, everyone, even the non-parents. I tried to keep the book very general and more parent-focused so that parents of children  of all ages could find something helpful.  I also spoke with parents of all different iidentities and from all different family structures. For example, I spoke with step-parents and grandparents and single parents and blended families. I also tried to talk to parents from all over the world, so diverse voices were represented.

Photographer : Emilie Bers

We love the concept of bringing the spiritual principles of yoga off of the mat and into your life/families. Can you expand a bit on that and what we can learn from your book?

As fun as asana is and as complicated and challenging as some poses are, there is no more advanced yoga practice than raising children! There are many spiritual seekers who choose renunication and celebacy, but honestly, it's much easier to mediitate alone without responsibilities than with multiple kids tearing your house apart. Parenting offers us the ultimate practice grounds. And boy, do we need it!

Order your copy of The Yoga of Parenting HERE and learn more about Sarah Ezrin HERE.

Stay tuned for our book review. Coming this summer.

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