Restless Leg Syndrome In El Paso – Are You Suffering?

Restless Leg Syndrome In El Paso – Are You Suffering?

Do you sometimes feel a strong urge to move your limbs while sitting, and slightly moving from your sitting position gives you a temporary relief? If that's the scenario, then you might be suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome. Are you getting keen to know more about its symptoms? In this post, we will discuss the signs of restless leg syndrome in El Paso.

1. Sensations 

Some abnormal, unpleasant sensations in the legs after you've been lying down, watching television, on a long airplane trip. Many of you would describe these sensations as –crawling, pulling, itching, throbbing, aching, creeping, and even as an electric shock.

2. Time of the day 

The Body gets tired from all the work you do during the day, so symptoms worsen in the nighttime; and also, studies suggest that these symptoms get worse mainly at night and evening.

3. Relief with movement 

You might notice immediate relief from walking, flexing your limbs, tossing, and turning in bed if you're lying might also work. Even rubbing the legs is useful sometimes.

4. Pain

Do not worry! Pain is usually not that severe in RLS; it's more or less a burning, aching, deep pain. However, some people might also complain of sharp, stabbing, shooting pain. Some of you might also complain of pain that does not subside and persists for hours.

5. Body parts

These sensations are more common in limbs than other body parts, especially in legs (lower limbs) and feet. But that doesn't mean that the arms are left; they can also be equally affected. The feelings seem to come from deep within the limbs rather than from the skin. Both the legs can be affected. 

6. Nighttime leg twitching

This might sound funny, but RLS may be associated with leg cramps and kicks in the night while you sleep. It might even continue throughout the night without you knowing it.

7. Lifestyle

Amidst the busy life, you often forget to exercise. Your sedentary lifestyle, like working on the laptop for hours, and everyday food habits like greasy food and gluten bread also contribute to the symptoms.


Although Restless leg syndrome is not harmful, it can interfere with your daytime schedule and affect your sleep. Certain simple lifestyle changes can also help, like exercising regularly. 

Several medications and exercises help alleviate its symptoms, and consulting a doctor is always preferable if the symptoms persist.


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