What Is All The Hype Around Essential Oils?

What Is All The Hype Around Essential Oils?

If there is one health trend that has been big business over the past few years, it is essential oils. They are natural which is one of the biggest selling points, as they are naturally extracted from plants, but are they worth it?

Essential oils can smell great and help to reduce stress and anxiety, which is a common use for many organic CBD tinctures. They can be used to help you to sleep, as well as help to treat different infections, such as a fungal infection. Due to their liquid nature, they can be used in a number of ways too, from being used topically on the skin to being ingested (as long as they are therapeutic grade only). You might just want to diffuse them in the home to keep it smelling fresh, or you might want to use them for their medicinal and healing properties. Here are some of the health benefits to using essential oils. 

Health benefits of essential oils

The origins of essential oils goes way back, but they can be used these days too for health. There are a lot of claims made around essential oils and their benefits, but harnessing the healing power of plants can’t be a bad way to go. One thing that they can help with is reducing how stressed you feel. A lot of essential oils are used in aromatherapy which can be a great way to manage how stressed or anxious you feel. Orange oil, for example, has been shown to be one of the most effective essential oils in reducing anxiety. 

Another health benefit of essential oils is their ability to fight infection and treat things like fungal infections. Tea tree oil has been one of those that has been most widely used for treating infections, showing that it has some promising antimicrobial qualities. As a result, it means you can use the oil for treating athlete’s foot and other infections like oral thrush or candida. 

Another common use of essential oils, in particular lavender oil, is as a sleep aid. ​​Lavender has a great fragrance that can help to improve how well you sleep. In fact, this has been tested on people with dementia, and it found a few drops on their pillow increased how long they slept overall. 

Health risks of essential oils

Essential oils are natural, coming from plants, and have been used for decades and decades. However, you can’t just use any old oil for any oil ailment; there are some risks. If you don’t use the oils as instructed, then it can lead to poisoning or having an allergic reaction. That is why any oils that you do use should be stored in the correct way, such as out of direct sunlight. 

Some oils can be particularly strong and potent, and as a result, should be kept away from pets and children. If you do use them with children, they need to be in a lower dosage than you would with an adult, and use a carrier oil with them, such as coconut oil, to use the oils topically. 

Cover Photo By Pixabay

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