How To Meditate More Effectively

How To Meditate More Effectively

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Meditation is a way of decluttering the mind. Most people use it to reduce stress or to improve concentration, however it can be used to achieve many other mental goals. Below are just a few tips for getting effective results when meditating.

Make sure the environment is relaxing

You’ll find it difficult to meditate somewhere that’s noisy or full of disturbances. Choose somewhere that’s quiet and peaceful so that you can focus solely on your thoughts. Most people find it most effective to meditate at home (some people even set up a meditation area in their home with a meditation chair or cushions). However, you could try other places such as your car, your local park or even a meditation class. There are benefits to being able to meditate in a range of places – it means that wherever you are, you can always use it as a tool for destressing and improving concentration.  

Find a position that’s comfortable

Most people like to sit down or lie down while practicing meditation. A comfortable position is important for helping you to focus on your mind and not your body. At the same time, you don’t want it to be so comfortable that you fall asleep (avoid meditating on your bed). There are numerous yoga poses that are popular for meditating in.

Close your eyes

Our eyes are constantly taking in new information. By closing your eyes, you can more easily escape from the outside world and focus on your thoughts. If you’re meditating in a bright room, it could be worth wearing an eye mask or shutting the curtains to completely shut yourself off.

Get your breathing right

Slowly inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth is the most common way of breathing while meditating. However, if you find that you have to focus too hard on this way of breathing, you’re better off simply finding a breathing style that is natural for you. In all cases, it’s important to breathe slowly, as this will help to bring your blood pressure down and get you relaxed.

Take herbal remedies to help you destress

It may be possible to take supplements to help you relax. There are a number of stress-busting supplements out there that you can look into. L-theanine, ashwagandha and b complex vitamins are all popular examples. For fighting chronic pain and helping you relax, you could even try products from sites such as You could also consider releasing essential oils into the air with relaxing scents such as lavender (providing you don’t find these scents to be too much of a distraction).

Put on some music

Music can be useful for helping you to relax before you meditate. It could help you to get into the right headspace. While some people listen to music while they meditate, this can sometimes serve as a distraction. Unless it’s an ambient piece that you are certain you can zone out to, it’s best to only listen to music before and after meditating. This article at delves more into music and meditation. 

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