Reducing Feelings Of Stress In Your Day To Day Life

Reducing Feelings Of Stress In Your Day To Day Life

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Stress is a natural feeling. It’s something that we’ve developed to protect ourselves. When posed with a potentially dangerous situation, it can be used to push us into action or can trigger our fight or flight response. This is useful. The problem? Nowadays, many of us feel stress on a regular basis without any real threat facing us. We’ll feel stressed about getting into work on time. We’ll be stressed about deadlines. We’ll be stressed that we might have said the wrong thing to someone. We’ll be stressed about the future. This is never going to be good for your overall health and wellbeing. Stress can cause negative physical symptoms, as well as being mentally exhausting. So, it’s important to combat stress and to actively try to feel more relaxed and laid back on a day to day basis. Now, there are endless ways that we can attempt to achieve this. But for now, let’s just focus on some of the most popular.

Consult a Professional

If your feelings of stress are overwhelming or constant, you may want to check in with a doctor who may be able to diagnose an underlying condition, such as anxiety. They will be able to recommend further treatment that can overhaul your quality of life. THis may consist of therapy, medication or a combination of the two.

Alternative Treatments

There are plenty of complementary treatments that can combat stress, so why not try some? Different options work for different people. So, you may need to practice a little trial and error before you find what best suits you. Some people benefit from aromatherapy with relaxing scents like lavender. Some people will find massage extremely calming. Some will drink chamomile tea. Some will use a doob tube. When you find something that works for you, you can stick with it.

Creating a Sense of Routine

Many of us feel stress because our lives are chaotic and we never know whether we’re coming or going. So, why not try making a sense of routine that will help to create stability and structure in your day to day life? Getting up at a set time, eating at set times, getting to sleep at set times… these simple steps may seem basic, but they really can help. They can encourage a healthy sleep pattern and can help you to have control over an aspect of your life.

Facing Your Fears

Sometimes we feel stressed because we have fears and dread them coming. We might dislike public speaking but work in a role that requires an occasional presentation. You may find yourself stressing for weeks in advance of having to actually do this. Generally, facing your fears can work as exposure therapy and can reduce feelings of stress in the long run.

Stress really can be a negative constant in your life. But hopefully, some of the above advice will help to negate feelings of stress and boost your sense of wellbeing!

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