Three Reasons Why Practicing Yoga At Home Improves Your Wellbeing.

Three Reasons Why Practicing Yoga At Home Improves Your Wellbeing.

Cover Photo By Jared Rice.

By Lexi Faith

I recently had a friend who was currently in transition in his life ask me how I wake up in the morning. This hit me hard because I know how living a freelance/entrepreneur lifestyle can get sometimes; I realized my morning practice is what gets me up every morning. I personally offer a morning ritual of puja, which includes mantras and offerings to the divine, meditate, set intentions, practice kriya and asana. It is a long morning routine, but it is essential to my well being- especially living a lifestyle which doesn’t offer much routine. I realized my home yoga practice is what I turn to as a form of self reflection and connection. Here are my top reasons why practicing yoga at home improves your wellbeing:

1. Connection to internal World.

My morning routine offers a space in which I can deeply connect to my innermost thoughts, feelings, desires, and worries. It is a space in which I can connect to what is real, and what is unreal, which are my temporary thoughts or states of consciousness. This internal connection keeps me in tune with my true north in every capacity (emotionally, mentally, and spiritually), which leads my day in the same way.

2. Offering to the Divine.

My morning offering to the divine can be anything from Hindu avatars to the universal energy that pervades all of existence. The important thing is that we are devoted to self-care, and devoted to the energy that is LIFE - these are both expressions of the divine! As I make my offering, I understand that the universe is bringing it back to me, a thousand-fold.

3. Increased Self Awareness.

Daily asana practice invites me to become very intimate with my own body in the postures, which increases my self awareness physically. We first must start with the gross body. Then, we can become more aware of the emotional, mental, and subtler bodies.

For those who live a routine lifestyle, or for the creative types that may not have any set schedule, having a daily home practice is an incredibly grounding act. In Ayurveda, to increase the Kapha element, which is the element of water and earth, incorporating a daily routine does wonders for stabilizing a busy mind and grounding ones’ energy.

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