Bay Area Yoga Teacher Highlight: Nubia Teixeira

Bay Area Yoga Teacher Highlight: Nubia Teixeira

Name: Nubia Teixeira.  

Practice with me at: Marin County and San Francisco. 

How long I’ve been practicing yoga: 31 years.

How long I’ve been teaching yoga: 29 years.

What kind of yoga I teach: Hatha and Bhakti combined.

My mantra these days: "Please Divine Mother, let me see what I need to see in order to do what I need to do. Jai Ma!"

An Asana, Kriya OR Meditation that has been resonating with me lately is: Ardha Matsyendrasana, Nauli Kriya,  Mantra Recitation and Mudra Meditation.

How I like to practice yoga off the mat: By being loving and present to whomever and whatever comes my way.

My sign: Cancer Sun ~ Virgo Raising ~ Scorpio Moon.

The last book I read was: Sri Sarada Devi, The Holy Mother.

Favorite local juice/tea spot: Wu Wei Tea Temple in Fairfax.

Where I go for a nourishing meal: Home.

What’s on your yoga playlist right now: On Spotify I created the playlists: Music for Yoga and Other Joys and  Music for Yoga Dance and Other Joys.

A ritual I love: To wake up early in the morning when the house is quiet and dark, and crawl my way into my altar to light a candle and incense offering, then go into a prayer meditation, followed by a yoga sadhana. To end that morning ritual, I make myself chai and organize my brain around the tasks of the day.

What I am letting go of this year: Judging others, trying to control the outcome of everything, and plastic.

What I am embracing this year: Loving others more and effectivally expressing that love, consuming less and planting more trees. 

My website:

My instagram: @nubiayoga.

The New Moon: Monday, June 3, 2019, at 12° Gemini, At 3:01 am PST

The New Moon: Monday, June 3, 2019, at 12° Gemini, At 3:01 am PST

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