New Moon In Taurus

New Moon In Taurus

Cover Photo From Life Spirit Connections

So much swirling, so much letting go, so much momentum. Trying to make sense of it all?  Stop that! Just go with the flow. All is well. Everything is going to do it’s thing, and you should too.

By Dana Damara

Want to know what’s up? Well, we’ve got this AMAZING New Moon coming up in Taurus to start with but before that…

April 24th Pluto Retrograde in Capricorn until October 3, 2019. Pluto retrograde is a time of reflection about power and control in your life.  Look underneath your past patterns, habits, and deep into the relationships in your life. It’s time to clean house of the manipulators, the power struggles, and the people who have played small in your life.  

Pluto retrograde is about letting go. It’s about freeing yourself from addictions or additive behaviors.  Anything that is “under the rug”and keeping you from really stepping into that bright light. Put your sunnies on, face it head on, and then let it go.  

This is a transit that’s powerful enough but …well, Saturn also goes Retrograde in Capricorn on April 29th until September 18, 2019. 

Saturn is the Lord of Karma, deep lessons, and time. Double dose of karma show up, things get sorted out and made right. Past, present, and future blur into one. We can’t control when karma comes into play, we can only walk the path of high vibration that will create what’s in front of us.  So walk calmly, pay attention and stay in high vibe. 

And just a side note, something to think about…Pluto and Saturn make an epic conjunction on January 12, 2020. They are dancing around the issues right now - forward and back, and then get intimate right after the first of the year.  The last conjunction was in 1982. What was going on for you back then? And let me ask, do you know if either of those planets were retrograde when you were born?  Because it all makes a difference.  When these two serious planets align, well, I’m not going to lie, it’s not fun. Constriction and limitations get super uncomfortable if you haven’t been dong the work. It’s a slow, evolutionary process that may be less uncomfortable if you do some of the work well, like, now. 

Ok, now that we got that out of the way.. The New Moon in Taurus! 

The New Moon on Saturday May 4, 2019 is sitting at 14° Taurus and happens at 3:45pm PST. The New Moon is sextile to Neptune which elevates your intuition, psychic abilities, and accentuates your creativity, inspiration and courage to follow your heart and take the leap!  

The challenging influence of Mars opposite Jupiter puts your desires up close and personal.  This is one of the luckiest opposition transits of all but it can also bring you angst, if you get selfish, overconfident or you over stretch your resources. The energy will push you to act impulsively … don’t do it. Use the energy of Saturn to create the patience you need to truly put this one on the map for years. 

I should mention that this New Moon is the first one to appear with Uranus so close in 8 decades. That’s 80 years. It’s a groundbreaking combination that asks us to work with the resources we have. It asks us to find our center and get stable on our own two feet.  At the same time, it’s a time of change and risks. So be open to what’s next and be confident in how you show up in the world. 

A little shaking may happen, a little dislodging may ensue.  People will drop from your life.  But trust that what is meant for the long haul is here to stay.  

Aum Shreem Som Somaya Namaha! 

If you want to hear the full New Moon report, subscribe to Dana Damara’s 13 Moon Mystic program where every month, you will get the following delivered to your inbox:  

·      New Moon Forecast 

·      Full Moon Ritual and Readings 

Dana goes over everything from the aspects to the transits, and supports you in staying on your path of evolution.  

If you’d like a reading from Dana Damara, just mention you read this in SFYOGAMAG and you will receive $20 off your first reading. 


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