Qigong For Winter Solstice: Make Space For Yourself!

Qigong For Winter Solstice: Make Space For Yourself!

By Courtney Alex Aldor

Happy Winter Solstice SF Yogis! It’s that time of year. The holidays are among us, and so are the darkest days, which means  even though there are tons of social opportunities, it’s also a really important time to go inward because this is the time when deep insight comes. And so, in keeping with this theme, I’m demonstrating a grand movement that’s done mostly on the inside. With this one, we’re creating physical space in our bodies (which often translates to commanding more physical space around us!) using the power of the breath. It’s so easy!

To do this, place both hands on your diaphragm - just below the ribcage - and push inward a little bit. Then, see if you can push your hands outward using your inhale breath. Then, simply let go, and do it again! Try it 9 times at least, or 9 times 9 so you’re really expanding the capacity of your diaphragm, training your body to breathe in this most efficient way. This means, among many things, that you’ll have more oxygenated blood (so you have more energy) with less effort - in many senses, you’ll be inviting more fresh air in, ushering more stale air out. And it works on many levels! Better moods, more inspiration, calling in more of what you need with a greater ability to release that which no longer serves you. And once you get used to breathing this way, you can use this as a reset, anytime anywhere!

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