Full Moon - Aries

Full Moon - Aries

Cover Photo By The Horoscope

By Dana Damara

On Sunday, October 13, 2019, 2:08pm PST, we will experience a Full Moon in Aries, the first sign of the zodiac.  

This Full Moon makes an exact T-square with Pluto just after this magical planet stationed direct.  The energy is one that is dismantling, restructuring and breaking you free from everything that has held you back and kept you weighed down and bound to limiting patterns. 

The time has come to break free and experience a wider aperture of your existence and the infinite possibilities that are available, waiting for you to embrace.  

Liberation does not come easy though; there’s usually some karmic ties that need to be loosened, untangled, or cut altogether.  This is never comfortable – especially if you are completely addicted to those patterns, people, or beliefs.  It will be painful – like sticking salt in a very old wound that you thought was healed, but had just one more layer to it.  

Ouch.  No fun … but necessary for what we call ascension.

Since the Moon in Aries is opposite the Sun in Libra, most of this tumultuous cleansing will happen in intimate relationship.  Another ouch perhaps?  And remember that intimate relationship does not only mean romantic; it could mean one you have with your family, friends, or ancestors – even the ones you never met.   

Yeah, Pluto goes that deep.

Thank Goddess Jupiter makes some positive aspects.  The Full Moon in Aries is about bringing forth new opportunities that will set you free from anything old that has been sitting there for weeks, months, years or lifetimes. It’s rattling the cage(s) of your life to bring into focus what is possible.  But you have to want it. You have to see it. You have to feel it and know that you are worthy.  

Pluto goes deep, so my invitation is to go deep and engage with those internal power struggles that have been in your heart, mind, and body, challenging the light and the dark within you.  Challenging everything you think is true.  This is a massive call to action to take your life in a new direction. 

Mars opposite Chiron ignites deep healing – meaning you may have to step into the fire for a moment (or two) in order to get the clearing you desire.  This activates the sacred healer within you, so make sure you express any anger in positive and productive ways!  Venus opposite Uranus wants to create something lovely and exciting. Use your imagination and drop into love and beauty. 

Remember this … Pluto uncovers the unseen and offers up life, death, and rebirth.  It’s not always comfortable, but for real evolution and expansion, it’s necessary. Focus on your inner well-being and visualize what a high vibrational life would look like and be at peace while you “get there.”

If you want to hear the entire Full Moon report, subscribe to Dana Damara’s 13 Moon Mystic program where you will get the following delivered to your inbox every month:  

  • New Moon Forecast 

  • Full Moon Ritual and Readings 

Dana goes over everything from the aspects to the transits, while supporting you in staying on your path of evolution.  

If you’d like a reading from Dana Damara, just mention you read this in SFYOGAMAG and you will receive $20 off your first reading.  

Access to these recordings are $18 a month. Get in today by visiting 13moonmystic.com.

 Aum Shreem Som Somaya Namaha! 

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