August Monthly Power Scopes

August Monthly Power Scopes

Join Jennie Hayes on her upcoming Astrology & Yoga Greek retreat in September! Visit for details.  

By Jennie Hayes




Look around you.  Who do you surround yourself with and how do you feel when you are around them?  The next time you are in community, close your eyes and take 5 deep breaths to notice the internal reactions of your body to the people who you are in closest quarters with most frequently. If you find your heart light and open in the midst of kindred spirits who bring you great joy and with whom you share a sense of understanding and mutual respect- that’s wonderful.  More is on the way.  However, if you find your heart feels bound and tight, as you are in the company of those who do not share the same values, who take from you without end or thanks, or those who leave you feeling as if your spirit has been deflated- it is time to make a change, before you lose anymore sweet and precious time on this earth.  This is the season for each sign of the zodiac to peel back the layers of their heart- and you are no exception.  This month and into next, old friends are bound to exit your life, and in their place new ones will come in.  There is a twinge of sadness to any goodbye, a bit of melancholy to every ending.  This may be the case; but know that despite any struggle at the time of the Lunar Eclipse on August 7th and in the surrounding days- by the month’s end and into September, you are stepping into a new fertile paradigm of creative expression and Joy as the Solar Eclipse on 21st busts open a new door to the heart.  Let what’s leaving go softly, and leave power struggles for those who live only in Ego. 



The way you are seen in the world is changing, and while you are in control of this to some degree- at the first Eclipse of the month there is a culmination around a process that has been going on for 6 months, a process of laying the brick and mortar to build something that will carry you into a new season.  The fruits of labor are on the way, so what seeds have you sewn?  The process is not over completely, as there will be details to attend to at your base operations throughout the month.  But there is an illumination and ripening.  Enjoy the sun on your face above all things now and let it fill you with the faith and optimism that so often evades you while you are immersed deeply in your concern about financial stability.  You have put the time in, and it is showing up now.  Of course, on the contrary, if you feel you have been hap-hazard in any way the apparent cracks in the foundation may begin to deepen.  With the Solar Eclipse on the 21st an awareness comes in around your heart, your home and this is the ushering in of a new inspired time of familial belonging.  Shifts come around the earth beneath you.  Eclipse season is never easy on a Taurus because your sign is often a loyal creature of habit- but in this case, by the end of the month you begin to settle into gratitude for any unwanted goodbyes or necessary changes.  Do not fret:

You will thrive.



The road you are climbing is upwards and there is no descent, although you may have fear in your heart when you look behind you.  Reluctance and fear often comes with any journey that is of true significance. You are ascending closer and closer to an understanding of God and what it is means to you.  To me, God is Love.  Your vision for the future is unfolding and while there may have been hints of this last spring, this month you begin to understand what is needed in order to break through the barriers of your heart.  At the time of this horoscope, to come into deep healing, your gaze needs to shift.  The story of Babel comes to mind.  While you ascend higher and higher, seeking to be filled by spirit or satisfied by an external source, you become more disconnected from those brothers and sisters around you who reveal to you so much about yourself.  Bring your awareness back to what you can offer those around you, let your work and relationships ground you and you will meet spirit on the road.  The written word and all things Mercurial are healing for you.  It is easy to get lost or feel disheartened if seeking inspiration only from the outer world, as Kaliyug is a time of great tumult and unease.  Instead, bring your gaze inward and set your intention on connecting to the Paramatma - the infinite soul that is buried deep in your heart.  The way ahead will reveal itself only from this place.  Trust yourself and seek the God within. 



Your definition of prosperity is undergoing great change.  What you give value you to is called into question.  While for sometime you have had to rely on the resources of others to carry you in some way, the future looks very different.  There is a clearing taking place around the time of the Lunar Eclipse on August 7th, perhaps a debt of material or spiritual nature is being paid.   This is an opportune time to settle the score and to reclaim your ability to be self-sufficient.  By month’s end you are looking at a new season of increased value, earning and lucrative potentiality.  In order to access this potential, however, you have to face any core ideas or internal dialogues you have created or inherited that would have you believing that you are worth less than what you truly are.  I urge you to envision the goddess Lakshmi on a regular basis.  Invoke her spirit into your everyday, and any moment you began to feel unsure about the future - try picturing her in your mind’s eye.  As the great Louise Hay would say- “Abundance flows freely to you.” It is your time to receive and create a new world of wealth on all levels.  A gift of your astrological brood is the ability to deeply nourish and care for those around you.  Now is the time to internalize and focus on feeding yourself lovingly.  You must know now that you deserve to be fed; mind, body, & spirit. All is coming.



Steady your gaze.  Your world is undergoing immense transformation this month and into the next.  August sees new prominent people enter your sphere and heartspace, while outworn connections fall away as part of an organic unfolding.  There are mirrors all around you, and some no longer reflect your growth.  As creative and inspired as you are, your loyalty often reveals a more traditional nature that lies beneath the surface of your art and recognized abilities.  You have much love to give; so much that it is one of your greatest tasks in this life to learn when it is time to hold back.  To master the art of receiving and choose to give only to those who are equally as generous of heart.  At the time of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse, there may be illumination around where your emotional energy has been directed and how this has effected your ability to express yourself authentically.  If there is an important relationship in your life that comes under the limelight, or several- tune in to your instincts and heed them.  Note where your loyalty has extended it’s reach far beyond a healthy radius, and begin to hone in.  The eclipse at month’s end is an opening for you to come deeper into an understanding of you who are when there is no one else to tend to.  Make space; you are expanding.



You must take care.  With the heightened vibration of eclipse season, your spiritual and physical body must be watched after closely, especially around the beginning of the month.  You may be feeling drained at this time, pulled in a thousand directions and unable to ground.  Use the Lunar Eclipse of August 7th to come back to center.  This eclipse occurs in Aquarius which is that sign of invention, compassion and objectivity. Enlivening the body with movement, as well as grounding through nourishing foods will allow you to activate your parasympathetic nervous system at a time you will need it most.  The body is that sacred vessel for spirit, allowing the divine to express itself through you.  There will be important decisions that come to forefront this month and your reactions to incoming information will determine the course ahead.  It is best that you meet anything on your path with calm and clarity.  The only downside to the build up to this oncoming full moon is that it is highly cerebral; one at this time could exist solely in the higher chakras of the third eye and mind, finding it difficult to attend to the mundane.  Your most common tendency is to worry, but please counter this by bringing your energy into your heart with your breath.  As you clear any stagnation that has you feeling drained or stuck, eliminate any daily activities that are depleting you or leaving you scattered- toward the second eclipse of the month the emphasis becomes more on your internal dialogue.  Now and into September there is an opportunity to shift a story you have long told yourself about Joy and Pleasure.  If recently you have held the belief that both of these evade you, welcome a new chapter ahead. 



When was the last time you felt truly alive?  Has it been too long?  All of that is changing now.  The eclipse on August 7th clears the way of anything that is holding back from expressing your creative abilities.  There is a clearing ahead of you, and on the other side of this you will soon see the entrance of people who better understand who you are and the incredible gifts you have to share.  While there is a moment of truth mid-month amidst your work and home life, once you move beyond the 16th and turn toward the heart-expanding second eclipse of the month at the 21st, you have an opportunity to ask for what you really want:  compassionate holding.  You are craving the arms of a community that shares the same heart vision that is within you.  As author Gregg Braden says: “The feeling is the prayer.”  It is not enough to want relationships in your life that nurture you the way you desire; you must embody on a visceral level what it is you are calling out for.  This is the task before you.  In order to be met by others you must first meet yourself and provide yourself with a deep nourishment that not a single other being on earth can provide for you.  You have to love yourself as completely as you can and let go as best you can on that desire to control the flow of your relationships.  You are love and you are loved. You will see new people enter into your world after the 21st, and it is upto you to decide what these mirrors will reflect back to you. 



The full moon lunar eclipse on August 7th shakes you to the core of who you are and where you come from.  It is clearing out any outmoded family inheritances, energetic or physical.  Ghosts of the past are amidst.  Anything you have carried up to this point that you received from your family, in terms of behavioral patterning or wounding, may come out to play.  What did you learn from your mother that needs to be unlearned?  How did she treat you in general? These are proper questions at this time.  The clarity that comes in sets you up for a promising fall ahead, starting with the Solar eclipse on August 21st.  While you continue to close doors to the past, new ones are opening in terms of your work.  It is best to view any self-inquiries triggered by external events around the beginning the month as necessary so you may take proper advantage of the positive and expansive energy toward it’s end.  You may receive an offer after the 21st that appeals to you, but it is wise to not commit until after the first week in September.  Fine tune the details and be sure that whatever you are contemplating this month is worthy of the amount of attention and energy you are giving to it.  It is ideal to only feed what feeds you; and similar to your Lion brothers/sisters you must begin tapering back your generosity in time and heart energy that often extends to those who do not give as much to you.  You also may have to begin holding back how deeply you immerse yourself in a particular relationship.  Boundaries don't have to be viewed as barriers, but more as permeable containers for spirit, that allow you to be more rooted in self.  From this place - everything grows.



There is much to be gained by paying attention to your immediate surroundings and what comes up at the time of the full moon lunar eclipse on August 7.  The company you keep may be shifting, and this is all part of your growth.  You will want to surround yourself more at this time with people who you can learn from, as well as who can appreciate what you have to teach.  You have been craving Satsang all year, the true community in which you can trust that you are in the midst of people who are on a journey that parallels your own.  You crave connection rooted in the search for truth, and a mutual understanding that love and compassion are the essential fabrics that weave together our entire universe.  When you are in this kind community, doubt and fear does not disappear entirely, but it begins to lessen.  Any relationships that are not in based in authenticity, however you may define it, are falling away now.  After the 21st the journey begins and you are set to have a Autumn that is filled to the brim with growth, travel, and spiritual connection.  In order to get there, you must trust the process of letting go.  Your sign thrives in the place of movement and future orientation but it is often a confused sentiment that you do not have reverence for the past or great lament when things must come to an end.  What you are gifted with is that faith- that no matter how bad things may seem, how hard it is to release your grip on what is no longer serving you- you are on the path of truth, devotion and love.  No more detours. 



My dear.  Your worth is not equivalent to the number in your bank account.  It is very important at the time of and leading up to the Full Moon lunar eclipse on August 7th, that there is ZERO confusion about this subject.  Repeat after me: 

“I am worth more than the money I have and the things that I own.  My stability comes only from body, my breath and the love that I provide for myself.” 

This is about something much deeper.  This is about your understanding that you do not need to receive money from people who consistently make you feel unworthy.  This is about you standing up for what you know you deserve and how hard you have worked.  You may be dealing with outside forces that are not privy to this, or even worse, would attempt to fool you into thinking that their shortcomings are actually your fault.  This is inaccurate.  It is your job to remind them of just how qualified you are, and at the same time- it may be the proper time for a royal wave goodbye to some source of income.  You decide what you give value you to and with whom you are in the proverbial bed with, one way or another.  The eclipse at month’s end, will be an opening.  An opening that requires trust and an understanding of something that your sign often forgets:  vulnerability is not weakness.  Vulnerability, in any realm, gives opportunity for a deeper level of joy, fulfillment and prosperity.  Open yourself to the idea that what clears itself in terms of how you make money or the inward flow of energy, is making way for something GREATER.  It has everything to do with your joy and destiny.  You are supported.



It is hard to feel that all eyes are on you, is it not?  You feel some amount of pressure building around and up to the time of the full moon eclipse on the 7th.  Anything that comes to light needs to be exposed, raw as it may seem, so you can get it out of the way.  If there is a darker side to your personae, now is the time to tune in to what this looks like.  While it is not always comfortable to bring light to our shadow, it essential for growth- especially in terms of relationships.  If you want to attract or expand your realm of partnership (ready or not, it’s on the way after the 21st) whether it be business or personal, it is going to be very important that you examine and take a clear look at what you see each morning when you glance in the mirror.  Be honest.  Are you living in truth?  If so, keep going.  If not, what is holding you back?  What area of your life do you feel out of alignment?  Look especially to the care of your physical body.  If this not on point, you will feel it at mid-month.  Make the proper adjustments preemptively, use the full moon mentioned above to Eclipse out any habitual pattern that you are hanging on to that is weighing you down.  Treat yourself better and refuse to participate in any self-deprecating internal or external dialogue.  What is leaving your life this month will have to go- in order to make space for the beautiful opening created with the Solar Eclipse in your opposite sign that comes on the 21st.  Start thinking now about what kind of characters you want to welcome into your sphere.  They are already on their way to you. 



At the beginning of the month, the past is once again revisited.  You are looking back at a year that thus far has seen you make huge strides and changes to your lifestyle, as well who you spend most of your days with.  The changes are sinking in, but there is something from your past brought forth at the time of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on August 7th.  This comes hand in hand with the square of Jupiter and Pluto, seeing this month as host to the last of some power struggles to do with friends and organizations that you have been in bed with financially, or literally.  As you have learned the hard way, friends and business (or intimacy) do not mix well.  Let this be your last reminder, dear one.  You will receive what is yours, but not without the deep rooting in self that necessary to stand up to anyone who has attempted to mistake your compassion and kindness as weakness (a mistake often made).  Pluto is making well sure that you know the true meaning of friendship and Satsang.  As it is a heart opening time for everyone, the eclipse on August 21st in Leo is an opportunity for you to come deeper into self-care, and as you do this, you will immediately see your outer world shift and follow suit.  As you craft daily rituals that better serve you, you will see your worth increase on a material level.  Give thanks to your body and have gratitude for even the challenges of the early month; it is the challenges that you have faced in the past that have made you who you are.  And you are STRONG.

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