The Telluride Yoga Festival!

The Telluride Yoga Festival!

By Ashley Shires

Every yoga festival has its own unique personality, but the Telluride Yoga Festival stands out for its intimate classes, stunning Rocky Mountain setting and down-to-earth but transformative teachings. It’s a gem, and it’s not too late to discover it.
I have been a fan of the festival since I first road-tripped over the Rockies to get there in 2010. I fell in love with the tiny Western town in the towering box canyon. I loved riding the gondola to Mountain Village to take sweaty flow classes with Alana Kaivalya, an instructor I had first discovered in New York, listening to her stories about Hindu myths, Gods and Goddesses. I loved Tias Little’s meditative classes, his synthesis of Iyengar, Ashtanga yoga and Buddhist traditions. And I loved discovering new instructors at Telluride, too, including Zurich-based Karl Straub, with his humor and Jivamukti flow. I loved the small classes at the festival, the tiny town with no stoplights, and the creative, genuine teachings.
This year, I am excited to join the lineup, leading a Breathe Flow Write workshop, guiding participants through mindful vinyasa yoga and introspective journaling prompts. Yoga and writing are both incredible contemplative practices to help us wake up in our lives, to become more conscious of our thoughts and to connect with our hearts. Research has shown that both yoga and expressive writing can result in better sleep, reduction in pain, drops in anxiety, and improved immune systems. Both practices have the potential to clear away the fog of habitual living.
And that is what yoga festivals are for as well, to clear away the fog of habitual living. They give us a chance to connect with other like-minded people, to support each other in becoming more conscious in our lives, to become more compassionate and kind to ourselves and to others, to find deeper meaning in our existence, tapping into what truly matters. And the Telluride Yoga Festival is a particularly lovely place to find this clarity. Since it was founded in 2007, the festival has brought teachers, musicians, artist vendors and students from all over the world. This year’s lineup includes Eric Paskel and Mas Vidal from Los Angeles, Coby Kozlowski from Kripalu and Boulder’s Gina Caputo and Jeanie Manchester, just to name a few. There are workshops on Vedic chanting, Ayurveda, women’s sexual wellness, meditation, functional yoga anatomy and more. All inspiring, life-changing stuff. And it’s happening soon, so get your tickets and join us for a wild, wonderful ride.

To learn more about the Telluride Yoga Festival click here. To learn more about the author, you can visit her website at

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